Milkwood Cottage - Submit Booking Request

Click each consecutive day on the calendar, leaving no gaps between days, to create a date range for your booking.
Each date represents a night, so please do not include your day of departure when making your booking.
Bookings must be a minimum of two nights.
Please note that Booked and Provisional dates are unavailable.

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- Provisionally Booked

2024 Rates

All days excluding 1 December to 15 January and EasterR1600 per night for 1 to 2 people

R1800 per night for 3 to 4 people

R2000 per night for 5 to 6 people

R2200 per night for 7 to 8 people

Peak Season 1 December to 15 January and EasterR3000 per night for up to 8 people only
SMALL CHILDRENSmall children sharing and in cots are not included in the above rates and are free
SMALL PARTIESDiscounts may be offered to small parties
PENSIONERSSpecial discounts may be offered to pensioners, especially for weekdays
FREQUENT VISITORSDiscounts may be offered to guests who visit Umtendwe frequently
Please note that the above prices do not include the housekeeping/service fee.
This fee will be added to the quotation.
Each cottage is supplied with one bag of braai thornwood.Additional bags of thornwood are available – these should be ordered in advance at R30 per bag